Reasons & Roses Blog
- Logo Development
- Twitter Background
- Business Card
- Blog Development
Nichole Olette Nichols is a poet, writer, and journalist who is based in Greensboro, NC. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Hampton University and her Master of Arts degree in Journalism from Syracuse University. With a balance of sophistication and whimsical ingenuity that is her signature, Nichole writes about fashion, beauty, relationships, entertainment, career and society through, a blog that reflects the unique experience of southern African American women with a metropolitan flair.
Our process: Because Nichole’s blog already existed, we were able to take her vision for the direction of her company/blog, with the incorporation of her existing blog to shape as a brand for creative sophistication. She gave us a detailed description of how she would like the new site organized, colors, her passions, and goals. We were able to build several logo concepts based on the loose interpretation of the rose.
Project completion list:
- Logo Development
- Blog Reconstruction
- Twitter Background Design
- Business Cards
Save Energy North Carolina
Company Summary: The Voltage Control Guard (VCG) is the only device available that can truly “Recycle” wasted energy. VCG is the only device that can reclaim unused energy and re-introduce it into your electrical system for consumption. Every electrical system has energy that is not consumed by your electrical devices and then that excess energy is drained off through your grounding system. This is power that you pay for but never get to use.
Our process: We conditioned ourselves to think GREEN. Think RECYCLE. Anything that read, Save energy, Save money! After researching and studying the product to get an understanding of what it does, we were able to use earth-like elements and Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash and Dreamweaver to create a cohesive brand.
To complete this branding project included:
- Logo Reconstruction
- Sales Presentation Design
- Website Design & Build
- Business Cards
My Brother, My Sister Film
Film Synopsis: My Brother, My Sister shows how two white brothers and two black sisters were forever changed by their activism in Civil Rights Movement. Patricia and Priscilla Stephens helped transform Tallahassee from a hotbed of segregation to a model of equality in progress in the 1960s. They were the leaders of non-violent direct action protests at white-only lunch counters, theaters and pools. While attending all-black Florida A&M University, the pair led the first jail-in in the student sit-in movement. They choose to spend 49 days in jail rather than pay a fine.
Our Process: With a story as strong as this, we wanted to make sure the legacy and history of the film was captured immediately. We prepared by watching interview footage and talking to the film makers about their vision. We used the brother’s mug shots and the photograph of the sisters confronting the police officers to serve as the canvas for the following items:
- Film Poster
- Handbill
- DVD Cover
- Website
Absolute Monarchy Organic Clothing

Absolute Monarchy Organic Clothing Website
The company’s vision was to create graphic tees that portrayed women in an uplifting and positive light, so their brand had to be feminine and fresh!
Our process: Like most of our projects, we started with their logo. By having each founder/owner write out the company name, we were able to construct a portion of their logo that would be used on the signature tees and in conjunction of their symbol.
Full project list:
- Logo Development
- Website
- Lookbook
- Handbills
- Tee Shirt Designs